Thursday, October 31, 2013

Finished Products of Strawberries
This pink object is the finished product of my medium sized strawberry. I made them pink because at the time when we got them it was October and that's the month of breast cancer awareness month. There was a top that was leaves but it broke off in the kiln. I like these the most because it's different and that I made it as a gift for my aunt Priss who is a breast cancer survivor and strawberries are her favorite fruit. :)

This is the finished product of my large strawberries. They were very large and since the oil paint was scarce there was a lot of white spaces left on them everywhere. However I may take that as a negative it could end up like a positive because the white spaces that look like the seeds :)

This was my baby strawberry. It looks the most realistic and I just love it. This one was easiest to make since it was really small and not that long of a painting process.

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