Thursday, October 31, 2013

Finished Product of Sushi

Making sushi was fun. I was given the task of making a food that you'd make a meal out of. I already had sushi on my mind that day because my aunt was taking me to this new sushi place in Alexandria so I became inspired. This was a fun creative activity. I made two of them squared and the others circular. The circular ones have 3 sections for things like the meat like tuna and salmon and cucumber. The square ones have only 2 sections painted inside them one side for the cucumber and the other side of the meat.
Finished Products of Strawberries
This pink object is the finished product of my medium sized strawberry. I made them pink because at the time when we got them it was October and that's the month of breast cancer awareness month. There was a top that was leaves but it broke off in the kiln. I like these the most because it's different and that I made it as a gift for my aunt Priss who is a breast cancer survivor and strawberries are her favorite fruit. :)

This is the finished product of my large strawberries. They were very large and since the oil paint was scarce there was a lot of white spaces left on them everywhere. However I may take that as a negative it could end up like a positive because the white spaces that look like the seeds :)

This was my baby strawberry. It looks the most realistic and I just love it. This one was easiest to make since it was really small and not that long of a painting process.

Friday, September 20, 2013

sushi meal

My sushi meal consists of 2 california rolls and 2 cucumber rolls

I think I did well with creating my little sushi. It wasn't challenging, it was fairly simple. I tried to create tuna rolls but it was just a mess so I quit that idea. All I need now is a piece of cabbage and wasabi that comes with it.
Small strawberry

This one was very small and easy. I don't really like the little dots but it'll have to do.

Medium strawberry

This is my absolute best one I made out of the small big biggest. I can't wait to paint this one. This one's a keeper.

Large strawberry